Mit der SPARQL Abfragesprache können Sie Graphdaten im RDF-Format durchsuchen. Wir stellen hier einen SPARQL Endpoint für die Bestände ANNO (historische Zeitungen) und AKON (historische Postkarten) zur Verfügung. Wir haben einige Beispiele zusammengestellt und Übersichten der Properties, die als Parameter in der Suche verwendet werden können. Bitte beachten Sie, dass für edm-Properties der Prefix ergänzt werden muss (s. Beispiel).

ANNO Documentation



newspaper or periodical with subject heading "Verkehr"

PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX dc: <>
WHERE {?subjectURI dc:subject ?gnd_reference .
       ?subjectURI dc:title ?dc_title .
       ?gnd_reference skos:prefLabel "Verkehr"}

first pages of newspaper or periodical with subject heading "Verkehr"

PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX edm: <>
SELECT ?first_page_link ?dc_title ?dc_date
WHERE {?subjectURI dc:subject ?gnd_reference .
       ?subjectURI dc:title ?dc_title .
       ?subjectURI dc:date ?dc_date .
       ?subjectURI edm:isShownBy ?first_page_link .
       ?gnd_reference skos:prefLabel "Verkehr"}

pdfs of newspaper or periodical with subject heading "Verkehr"

PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX edm: <>
SELECT ?pdf_link
WHERE {?subjectURI dc:subject ?gnd_reference .
       ?subjectURI edm:hasView ?pdf_link .
       ?pdf_link dc:format "application/pdf" .
       ?gnd_reference skos:prefLabel "Verkehr"}

images of newspaper or periodical with subject heading "Verkehr"

PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX edm: <>
SELECT ?image_link
WHERE {?subjectURI dc:subject ?gnd_reference .
       ?subjectURI edm:hasView ?image_link .
       ?image_link dc:format "image/jpeg" .
       ?gnd_reference skos:prefLabel "Verkehr"}

GND reference of all subject headings

PREFIX dc: <>
WHERE {[] dc:subject ?dc_subject}
ORDER BY ASC(?dc_subject)


PREFIX dc: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?dc_language
WHERE {[] dc:language ?dc_language}
ORDER BY ASC(?dc_language)

newspaper or periodical whose title starts with "Allgemein"

PREFIX dc: <>
WHERE {[] dc:title ?dc_title .
         FILTER regex(?dc_title,'^Allgemein')}
ORDER BY ASC(?dc_title)

newspaper whose title starts with "Allgemein"

PREFIX dc: <>
WHERE {?x dc:type "newspaper" .
       ?x dc:title ?dc_title .
         FILTER regex(?dc_title,'^Allgemein')}
ORDER BY ASC(?dc_title)

Core EDM resources


Properties Value
dc:date issue date of the newspaper or periodical
dc:identifier identifier of the newspaper or periodical
dc:type newspaper or periodical
dc:subject GND reference, connecting to a resource of type skos:Concept
dcterms:spatial GND reference, connecting to a resource of type skos:Concept
dc:language language
dc:title title as shown on
edm:type always 'TEXT'
edm:rights if older than 140 years else


Properties Value
edm:isShownAt link to the issue on the ANNO Homepage
edm:provider always 'Austrian National Library'
edm:isShownBy links to the first page and is described in edm:WebResource
edm:hasView links to the following pages and is described in edm:WebResource

edm:WebResource for digital representations

periodical (not IIIF)

Properties Value
dc:description structure-info of the page
dc:format always 'image/jpeg'
edm:isNextInSequence link to previous page

newspaper (not IIIF)

Properties Value
dc:format image/jpeg
edm:isNextInSequence link to previous page
Properties Value
dc:format application/pdf

periodical (IIIF)

Properties Value
dc:description structure-info of the page
sioc:has_service connecting the WebResource to a resource of type sioc:Service
dcterms:isReferencedBy connects to a IIIF manifest URI
edm:isNextInSequence link to previous page

newspaper (IIIF)

Properties Value
sioc:has_service connecting the WebResource to a resource of type sioc:Service
dcterms:isReferencedBy connects to a IIIF manifest URI
edm:isNextInSequence link to previous page
Properties Value
dc:format application/pdf

Classes for contextual resources


Properties Value
skos:prefLabel preferred label for GND referene


Properties Value
dcterms:conformsTo indicating that the WebService conforms to the IIIF profile
doap:implements indicating that the WebService implements the IIIF protocol