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# wro-h-howto
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Walter Obweger's avatar
Walter Obweger committed
WRO's howto collection 
covers systems from device to ERP

| topic 					 | name                              					| comment 						|color |color |
| ----- 					 | -----------                                   		| ------- 						|---|---|
| [0_gen](./0_gen/ | <b>gen</b>eral     									|		|`#AA3939`|`RGB(170,57,57)` |
| [1_dcr](./1_dcr/ | <b>d</b>ata <b>c</b>ente<b>r</b> 					| |`#AA6539`|`RGB(170,101,57)` |
| [2_dev](./2_dev/ | <b>dev</b>ice 										| |`#AA7C39`|`RGB(170,124,57)` |
| [3_net](./3_net/ | <b>net</b>work 										| |`#AA8C39`|`RGB(170,140,57)` |
| [4_plc](./4_plc/ | <b>p</b>rogrammable <b>l</b>ogic <b>c</b>ontroller 	| |`#AA9A39`|`RGB(170,154,57)` |
| [5_hmi](./5_hmi/ | <b>h</b>uman <b>m</b>achine <b>i</b>nterface 		| |`#AAAA39`|`RGB(170,170,57)` |
| [6_sim](./6_sim/ | <b>sim</b>ulation 									| |`#84A236`|`RGB(132,162,54)` |
| [7_ifc](./7_ifc/ | <b>i</b>nter<b>f</b>a<b>c</b>e 						| |`#599532`|`RGB(89,149,50)` |
| [8_dcs](./8_dcs/ | <b>d</b>istributed <b>c</b>ontrol <b>s</b>ystem 		| |`#28774F`|`RGB(40,119,79)` |
| [9_bth](./9_bth/ | <b>b</b>a<b>t</b>c<b>h</b> 							| |`#26586A`|`RGB(38,91,106)` |
| [A_cos](./A_cos/ | <b>CO</b>MO<b>S</b> 									| |`#2E4272`|`RGB(46,66,114)` |
| [B_mes](./M_mes/ | <b>m</b>anufacturing <b>e</b>xecution <b>s</b>ystem 	| |`#3C3176`|`RGB(60,49,118)` |
| [C_web](./C_web/ | <b>web</b> 											| |`#4D2C73`|`RGB(77,44,115)` |
| [D_dbs](./D_dbs/ | <b>d</b>ata<b>b</b>ase <b>s</b>ystem 				| |`#68266F`|`RGB(104,38,111)` |
| [E_erp](./E_erp/ | <b>e</b>nterprise <b>r</b>esource <b>p</b>laning 	| |`#8F305B`|`RGB(143,48,91)` |
| [F_msc](./F_msc/ | <b>m</b>i<b>sc</b>ellaneous 							| |`#C0C0C0`|`RGB(192,192,192)` |

## links
link collection

| who                       | what                                                  | where                         |
| :----:                    | ----:                                                 | ----                          |
| WRO                       | links in lists                                        | [quick](./       |
| WRO                       | tabular links                                         | [links](./       |

## contributing
+ [digital ethics](./0_gen/QT0418372ENN.en.pdf)
