# Extract Bibliographic Info From Alma [Jupyter Notebook](Extract_Bibliographic_Info_From_Alma.ipynb) for extracting bibliographic information for a given list of unique identifiers. In the default version this Notebook fetches the records by Alma's internal unique ID, the MMS-ID. This is because this ID is available for any bibliographic Alma record. Some information is fetched from the parent record. This relation is queried by an ID that is only used within the [Austrian Library Network](https://www.obvsg.at/), the AC-number. The Notebook supplies some hints as on how to adapt the Notebook for differing hierarchical linking. ## Setup If you want to try this on your local machine, please take note that you will need to do the following: ### Install requirements After setting up and activating your [virtual environment](https://docs.python.org/3/library/venv.html), install the requirements for the project: ``` pip install -r requirements.txt ``` ### Get Submodule Get the [catalogue](https://labs.onb.ac.at/gitlab/labs-team/catalogue) module by executing ``` cd catalogue git submodule init git submodule update ```