# Linked Open Data The following Jupyter Notebooks showcase some of our work with Linked Open Data. ## [Viewer Links from BIBFRAME](ViewerlinksFromBibframe.ipynb) Downloading data from the library services platform [Alma](https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Alma) and loading the results into a [pandas](https://pandas.pydata.org/) dataframe, we create an [xlsx file](ABOExamplesFromALMAextended.xlsx) with the catalogue metadata. Further we add links to the digital object and the barcodes of the physical objects to the file. ## [Viewer Links from BIBFRAME with SRU](ViewerlinksFromBibframeWithSRU.ipynb) Very similar to the above, but this time we make an SRU-Query in Alma. ## [Travelogues](Travelogues.ipynb) Working together with other institutions on the [Travelogues Project](http://www.travelogues-project.info/), we needed to extrect specific metadata from Alma, both catalogue data and LOD data. ## [SACHA Statistik Collection](SACHA Statistik Collection.ipynb) Using [SPARQL](https://labs.onb.ac.at/en/tool/sparql/) and pandas we extract datasets with a specific subject heading. Making use of [SACHA](https://iiif.onb.ac.at/) we then create a collection of the data we queried. ## [OAI-PMH](OAI-PMH.ipynb) We show how to use [Sickle](https://sickle.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) to first list all available sets and then count the number of entries in one specific set. ## [Harvest ABO Marc](harvest_abo_marc.py) Small script to harvest ABO metadata in Marc format via OAI-PMH. [![Binder](https://mybinder.org/badge_logo.svg)](https://mybinder.org/v2/git/https%3A%2F%2Flabs.onb.ac.at%2Fgitlab%2Flabs-team%2FLOD/master)