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(align:"<==>")+(box:"X")[<span>A</span>n anachronistic, limping walk on the imagined corridors of the newspaper "Wiener Zeitung" — that’s what I propose to you, a divergence from the European and American political histories as seen from Vienna, a divergence from the patriarchal order, their (if: not ((history:) contains "wars and battles"))[[wars and battles]](if: (history:) contains "wars and battles")[wars and battles] in the 18th and 19th centuries. O călcătură tare şi una moale. A firm step and a soft step along the walk. Trust that as with any strolls, there's no right (link-reveal: "path")[(show: ?pleases)]. |pleases)[(transition:"dissolve")+(transition-time: 2s)[And if it pleases me to go back and forth through the years, to play an old tape with clippings from January newspapers, and to project collages of screenshots onto walls? You should know that the timestamp of all newspaper clippings is always the same month — always January. Roll the dice sometime between 1704 and 1881. Point of entrance: [[3rd floor]].]]]
span {
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width: 0.7em;
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font-family: Inconsolata;
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<p align="justify">
<span>O</span>n the 3rd floor of the grayest apartment building, a green linoleum covers the cemented hallway. The linoleum stretches its lizard-like skin all the way, left and right. If you're gazing to the left, the hallway ends with a shabby balcony, therein an abandoned, broken bike. A tomboy had stored away the [(if: not ((history:) contains "Notification"))[[bike|Notification]](if: (history:) contains "Notification")[bike]] on the balcony and closed the glass doors behind them. Not long after that, the whole family moved out, under what appeared to be very discreet and pressing circumstances. Perhaps they got a quick ride to Prague, perhaps to (link-reveal: "Dresden")[(show: ?companions)].
(align:"==>")[|companions)[(transition:"dissolve")+(transition-time: 2s)[<img src="Wiener_Zeitung-1810-01-03_Travel_companions.png" width="86%" alt="Cropped image from the newspaper Wiener Zeitung from January 3, 1810"/>
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<p style="font-size: 1.87rem;">
(align:"<==>")+(box:"X")[<span>T</span>he gaze withdraws all the way back to its starting position in the hallway. From here, much less can be discerned in the opposite direction, where the hallway is forking into dense [[obscurity]], caused by faulty electrical wiring in the walls. It might look like an emaciating architectural structure, like the spiraling staircase is deformed. One cannot really tell from this perspective. Elevator rumors have it that the current non-functioning, decaying state has been brought about by conspiring tenants — a form of sabotage. Who was actually behind this and what their actual [[INTENT|intent]] was remains a riddle. /
(align:"==>")[<img src="Wiener_Zeitung_1870-01-01_Missing_text.png" alt="Cropped image of an article with some missing text from the newspaper Wiener Zeitung from January 1, 1870" width="90%" />
<img src="Wiener_Zeitung_1870-01-01_Missing_text_A.png" alt="Cropped image of another article with some missing text from the newspaper Wiener Zeitung from January 1, 1870" width="53%" />
span {
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width: 0.7em;
font-size: 400%;
font-family: Inconsolata;
line-height: 80%;
<img src="Wiener_Zeitung_1881-01-01_disappearing_text_p2.png" alt="Close-up of a newspaper fragment that is hardly legible from Wiener Zeitung, January 1, 1881" class="center" />
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[1881/ [[>>>|intent text]]]
span {
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font-family: Inconsolata;
line-height: 80%;
tw-column:nth-child(2) {
padding-right: 1.4em;
tw-column:nth-child(1) {
padding-left: 1.4em;
<p align="left">
<img src="Wiener_Zeitung_1880-01-01_Apotheke_Augenessenz.png" alt="Cropped text from the newspaper Wiener Zeitung from January 1, 1880. The text reads Augenessenz and serves as a headline for the page" class="center" />
(align:"<==>")+(box:"X")[<span>S</span>omewhere around there, in the midst of this darkness, lives a former medical student, who has turned full time to working with placebo effects. Old, new or remixed, they carry archaic spells, she’s certain of it. Her aura is tranquil, almost hermetic. She is concerned with (if: not ((history:) contains "Apotheke_1"))[[uncovering|Apotheke_1]](if: (history:) contains "Apotheke_1")[uncovering] archaic instincts, blends of superstitions and placebo spells, alchemical writings de tot felul]
(align:"<==>")+(box:"X")[and the ancient knowledge of herbs. Her home is a laboratory and specialized library, squeezed into a modest flat on the 3rd floor. The middle of the room is anchored by a rectangular Berber rug from Rissani — a place of meditation, rest and afternoon research. During (if: not ((history:) contains "summer"))[[summer]](if: (history:) contains "summer")[summer], afternoons must be nice and warm, but the current window view shows signs of [[January weather|Wednesday]]. 1880/]
span {
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width: 0.7em;
font-size: 400%;
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(align:"<==>")+(box:"X")[<span>2</span>nd floor. In the apartment below, things seem to happen in a surreal-magical way and no one is ever to search for causal relationships between events or even to inquire into the necessity of this persistent state of affairs. That much there is to know about L.L. In her home, L.L. says, the brain rests suspended, as it were; it is placed on hold, all wrinkled and dry. It hangs from the ceiling in the living room, just like home-made sausages in a peasant’s (link-reveal: "attic")[(show: ?stain)].
|stain)[(transition:"dissolve")+(transition-time: 2s)[At its best the brain throws vengeful flashes over a long wooden board, mounted on two black saw horses. The enlightened brain is dismissed and with it any taste for intellectual vagaries. Red wine sinks into the doormat and stains it lightly.
Let the morning begin — [[roll the dice|empty room]] or play the [[lottery]]. Ai grijă ce alegi. /]]]
span {
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font-size: 400%;
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(align:"<==>")+(box:"X")[//<span>T</span>he man had stolen the priestly garments from the altar of an Orthodox Church, where he left his own clothes instead (a worn out T-shirt and a pair of jeans). According to the police press release, the man decided to give himself a treat today, by experiencing the saintly honor of walking around town dressed as a priest, in white clothes and with a cross sewn in golden string on his back. // ]
(align:"<==>")+(box:"X")[Further details from the news on Digi24 (2014)://„Bărbatul a declarat că aşa a vrut să meargă, să se plimbe prin centrul Bucureştiul în haine preoţeşti. Nu era sub influenţa alcoolului. Are un comportament mai ciudat, însă nu are niciun act oficial cum că ar avea probleme psihice. Pe numele său a fost depusă o reclamaţie şi a fost predat poliţiştilor de la Secţia 10 pentru a continua cercetările” [...] / // [[>>>|article2]]]
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<p style="font-size: 1.8rem;">
(align:"<==>")+(box:"X")[<span>4</span>th floor. A squeaky noise pierces the silence of Qwerty’s bedroom and with it a luminous, introverted C squeezes itself into the right corner of a small window pane on the 4th floor. It isn’t as late as you might think. That deep ocean blue, which comes right after sundown, is still out there, like a suspended bag, barely touching the dark of the tree line. Qwerty cannot see any of it. Buried in the grayest apartment building, sleeping in a centuries-old bed with a (link-reveal: "dead pillow")[(show: ?list)] under her head, she never seems to wake up. Sun, trees, and birds flicker in a parallel world, separated from hers by a long line of family portraits and newspaper issues. Her name is Qwerty and by her own internal measurements, she grows in her sleep like a sequoia tree: about one centimeter over thirty years. /]
(align:"==>")[|list)[(transition:"dissolve")+(transition-time: 2s)[
<img src="Wiener_Zeitung_1830-01-02_Deaths_shortened.png" alt="List of deaths in and around Vienna in December 1829 as published in the newspaper Wiener Zeitung on January 2, 1830" width="97%" />
1830/ [[>>>|sleep]]]]]
span {
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width: 0.7em;
font-size: 400%;
font-family: Inconsolata;
line-height: 80%;
(align:"<==>")+(box:"X")[<span>S</span>unken in her bed, Qwerty’s legs are parallel to each other and indifferent to the nocturnal light that’s falling on them. In the square bedroom, contrast is now so sharp that her upper part of the body is invisible, eaten up by the dark half of the room. The other half remains cold and bluish, like a bruise. The only moving creatures in the room are a harmless number of [[Eodem|Silence]] ants, rummaging around one of the bed legs, (if: not ((history:) contains "close"))[[close]](if: (history:) contains "close")[close] to the window. /]
<img src="Wiener_Zeitung_1704-01-02_Eodem.png" width="65%" alt="Cropped corner of the newspaper with the Latin word Eodem written clearly at the bottom of the newspaper Wiener Zeitung from January 2, 1704" />
span {
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width: 0.7em;
font-size: 400%;
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(align:"<==>")+(box:"X")[<span>N</span>ot even Qwerty’s breath can be heard in between these four walls. Walls that act as membranes whenever they receive with hypersensitivity what comes from outside only to absorb all acoustic vibrations, all wars and all battles.
As soon as Qwerty begins [[dreaming|virgule]], the walls, too, start shrinking, centimeter by centimeter. From the hallway outside we hear the furious sound of approaching footsteps, accompanied by the rustle of a plastic bag. The Eodem ants slip fearfully under the bed. The walls have come closer together and there is no room to walk around the bed anymore. Even the ceiling is curving into a (link-reveal: "cavity")[(show: ?ending)]. /
|ending)[(transition:"dissolve")+(transition-time: 2s)[A quiet, dark moment expands into this space, after which the membrane-walls filter the sounds of a convulsive search for keys, followed by the unlocking of the door and its predictable slamming. [Bam!]<shout| (click: ?shout)[(replace: ?shout)["BAAMM!!!"]]
Trebuie să fi fost vecina lui Qwerty, cea care poartă după ea tot timpul un telefon într-o sacoşă de plastic./ [[>>>|time]]
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<p align="justify"style="width:97%;" >
<span>S</span>''trolling through layers of text'' Battaillon (text-style:"mirror")[Battaillon] Commando / Specification Artiglerie Evacuirung Baron General Adjutant Infanterie / Battaillon Major (text-style:"mirror")[Commando] (text-style:"mirror")[Specification] ''the wars of the patriarchs, their vocabularies, their order'' (text-style:"mirror")[Artiglerie] (text-style:"mirror")[Evacuirung] (text-style:"mirror")[Baron] (text-style:"mirror")[Adjutant] ''[[that's all|Proposal]] there seems to be'' (text-style:"mirror")[General] (text-style:"mirror")[Major] (text-style:"mirror")[Infanterie] / Infanterie Major (text-style:"mirror")[Commando] (text-style:"mirror")[Specification] Commando Specification Artiglerie Evacuirung Baron General Adjutant Infanterie Battaillon Major eine große Quantität von Artiglerie / (text-style:"mirror")[eine große Quantität von Artiglerie] Bataillon Commando / Evacuirung Baron General Adjutant Major Battaillon.
<img src="Wiener_Zeitung_1705-01-03.png" style="float:right;width:112%;height:78%;" style="float:right;" alt="Cropped image from the newspaper Wiener Zeitung from January 3, 1705" />
span {
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width: 0.7em;
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(align:"<==>")+(box:"X")[<span>A</span>s it happened one night, the inhabitants took out their minimal belongings, all packed in cheap suitcases. They left the furniture in place, their smart phones, too, and gently pulled the door [[behind them]]. Şi duse au fost. All three of them, minus the bike, minus the furniture, minus the phones, minus a folder containing printed [[newspaper screenshots]]. /
(align:"<==>")+(box:"X")[(text-style:"mirror")[<span>A</span>s it happened one night, the inhabitants took out their minimal belongings, all packed in cheap suitcases. They left the furniture in place, their smart phones, too, and gently pulled the door [[behind them|heater]]. Şi duse au fost. All three of them, minus the bike, minus the furniture, minus the phones, minus a folder containing printed [[newspaper screenshots|screenshot images]]. /
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[<img src="Wiener_Zeitung-1770-01-03_Ending_signs.png" alt="Cropped elements from the newspaper Wiener Zeitung from January 3, 1770. The elements indicate the end of an article" width="392" height="158" />]
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(align:"<==>")+(box:"X")[<span>T</span>hunder and lightning / records of a passing snowstorm on the first Wednesday of the New Year
<img src="Wiener_Zeitung_1720-01-03_Weather.png" alt="Opening lines about the weather from the newspaper Wiener Zeitung from January 3, 1720" style="width: 100%;" />
span {
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width: 0.7em;
font-size: 400%;
font-family: Inconsolata;
line-height: 80%;
<img src="Wiener_Zeitung-1780-01-01-New_Year_Saying.png" alt="Cropped text with best wishes for the New Year as published in the newspaper Wiener Zeitung from January 1, 1780" class="center" />
<font size="-0,5">
(live: 3s)+(align:"=><=")+(box:"=XXX=")[[[Eodem|Eodem]](stop:)]
<img src="Screenshot_Wiener_Zeitung_Screenshots.png" alt="Screenshot of a list of image files from the newspaper Wiener Zeitung">
[[>>>|behind them]]<img src="Wiener_Zeitung_1880-01-01_Apotheke_1.png" alt="Medication advertisment from the newspaper Wiener Zeitung from January 1, 1880 (part II)" class="center"/>
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[1880/ [[>>>|Apotheke_2]]]
<img src="Wiener_Zeitung_1880-01-01_Apotheke_2.png" alt="Medication advertisment from the newspaper Wiener Zeitung from January 1, 1880 (part I)" class="center" />
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[1880/ [[>>>|stairs]]]<img src="Wiener_Zeitung_1880-01-01_Apotheke_3.png" alt="Medication advertisment from the newspaper Wiener Zeitung from January 1, 1880 (part III)" class="center" />
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[1880/ [[>>>|obscurity]]]<html>
span {
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font-family: Inconsolata;
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(align:"<==>")+(box:"X")[<span>T</span>he morning begins to shape up when L.L., a silhouette with an angelic kind of radiant warmth, glides through the cold smell of laundry on the balcony. She stops in front of the wide open windows and gazes at the run-down apartment buildings all around. Flat rooftops patched with cracked asphalt and melted snow, washed clothes left out to dry and freeze on strings in front of windows, a multitude of ventilation boxes installed on the outer walls of kitchens and rust wherever metal rails jut from buildings. Her eyes select a single theme and begin tracing out the contours of television antennas. She blinks several times to change focus, her eyelashes (link-reveal: "compress")[(show: ?calmness)] the landscape.
<img src="Wiener_Zeitung_1860-01-01-Picture.png" alt="Image of a fire blower from the newspaper Wiener Zeitung from January 1, 1860" class="center"/>
|calmness)[(transition:"dissolve")+(transition-time: 2s)[She’s sensed an eerie calmness outside. A patch of orange, somewhere down there, catches her eye, somewhere in front of one of the entrances into the housing conglomerate. It turns out it’s the same [[orange patch|telephone]] that rings at night — why isn’t anyone ever picking up that damn phone?
Suddenly, from a neighbor’s radio, L.L. overhears the day's [[news|radio]]. /
span {
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width: 0.7em;
font-size: 400%;
font-family: Inconsolata;
line-height: 80%;
<span>N</span>umerele câştigătoare la loto sunt: (link-reveal: "11./ 41./ 47./ 58./ and 80./")[(show: ?lotto)]
|lotto)[(transition:"dissolve")+(transition-time: 2s)[<img src="Wiener_Zeitung_1740-01-02_Lotto_lucky_numbers.png" alt="Lotto lucky numbers from the newspaper Wiener Zeitung from January 2, 1740" class="center" />
(align:"==>")+(box:"XXXXX==")[1740/ [[>>>|begins]]]]]
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width: 0.7em;
font-size: 400%;
font-family: Inconsolata;
line-height: 80%;
tw-story {
padding: 5% 15%;
<p class="test">
(align:"<==>")+(box:"X")[<span>S</span>he listened carefully and with much delight. L.L. had read variations of this sort of impersonation before: once about a false Doctor Juris in "Wiener Zeitung" and another time about a false policewoman in "The Guardian". 2019.
[[>>>|4th floor]]]
<img src="Wiener_Zeitung_1881-01-01_Fake.png" alt="Cropped article about a false Juris Doctor from the newspaper Wiener Zeitung from January 1, 1881" width="110%" />
span {
float: left;
width: 0.7em;
font-size: 400%;
font-family: Inconsolata;
line-height: 80%;
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[<img src="Wiener_Zeitung_1850-01-01_French_course_girls.png" alt="Advertisment teacher offering French language course for girls from the newspaper Wiener Zeitung January 1, 1850" />]
(align:"<==>")+(box:"X")[<span>T</span>he phone-booth situation might have something to do with a neighbor from the 4th floor, a former French language teacher, who is very generous with her land-line phone number. She gives it to people left and right, while paradoxically, keeping the phone disconnected from any power source. She always carries this useless, gray object with her, always in the same semi-transparent bag. She places it at her restless feet under coffee tables or]
(align:"<==>")+(box:"X")[leaves it in office corners for significant periods of time. But she never forgets it anywhere. One might get the sense that she keeps it in her proximity, under a careless guise. One colleague of hers once suggested, she might as well give people the phone number of the phone booth in front of her apartment building. And that’s indeed what she might have done...
Suddenly, from a neighbor’s radio, (if: $ppassageNameVisted is 0)[(set: $ppassageNameVisted to 1)L.L. overhears the day's [[news|radio]]. 1850/](else:)[L.L. overhears the day's news. 1850/ (link-goto: ">>>", (either: "Apotheke_1", "heater", "discreet"))]
span {
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width: 0.7em;
font-size: 400%;
font-family: Inconsolata;
line-height: 80%;
(align:"<==>")+(box:"X")[<span>Y</span>ou're rolling the dice and it's a (link-rerun: "... ")[(random:1,6). ]
I believe that not even rolling the dice multiple times will help you this time. Maybe it's because you've gotten yourself in a strange space located in-between floors. It's an empty room with white walls and without windows. The way out is to take a few steps backwards. Închide uşa după tine. / [[>>>|begins]]]
perhaps you have
seen many mountains
or have been up many flights
of stairs, but none as steep as these
###t r e p p e n
##s t a i r s
#s c ă r i
#s t a i r s
either go [[up|Wednesday]] or [[down|Apotheke_3]], call for help, but find
a way of recomposing your body somewhere less inclined]<html>
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tw-column:nth-child(2) > tw-hook {
max-width: 61%!important;
width: 61%!important;
(align:"<==>")+(box:"X")[<span>I</span>f you ask her about summer, she'd say that most of the days look like this: rain rains, sun shines, children run like carefree children along the Danube river in front of the building or in the park next door with a convenient slope for small bikes and roller blades in the middle of it. Repetition of a day with weather events of a moderate kind, with little wind and square patches of green grass and dogs. And then she'd go on to tell you about other (if: not ((history:) contains "Apotheke_1"))[[things|Apotheke_1]](if: (history:) contains "Apotheke_1")[things] or about [[winter|Wednesday]]. /]
<img src="Wiener_Zeitung_1863-01-01_sun.png" style="width:66%; margin-bottom:0px;" alt="detail of a scenery with a shining sun, a field, a boat, a train and a hand from the newspaper Wiener Zeitung from January 1, 1863" />
span {
float: left;
width: 0.7em;
font-size: 400%;
font-family: Inconsolata;
line-height: 80%;
|p2)[(transition:"dissolve")+(transition-time: 2s)+(align:"<==>")+(box:"X")[<span>M</span>inute after minute, meter after meter, minutemeter, meter… in the burning sunlight. Before long into this rhythm of m-segments, the road rolls from behind me, like an animated carpet. I lose grip and I’m pushed further and faster with the force of a wave, ever faster into the endless field of scarecrows. In my dream, I have an inkling of how things will (link-reveal: "unfold")[(show: ?p3)].]]
(align:"<==>")+(box:"X")[<span>E</span> o zi de vară şi căldura e copleşi-toare. On this hot summer day I find myself in a field of white scarecrows dressed as brides. Flower wreaths are hanging from their stick-necks. I’m walking down the road further into the field. Each time I am following the road barefoot and let myself (link-reveal: "sink")[(show: ?p2)] into it.]
|p3)[(transition:"dissolve")+(transition-time: 2s)+(align:"<==>")+(box:"X")[<span>Y</span>et I remain trapped in this scenario where my body doesn’t belong to me anymore. My nocturnal hallucination always ends the same way: the road throws me out of the field and projects me onto a [[white wall|New Year]].
My dream closes like a one-centimeter wound and I’m left with another small scar, right beneath my left knee. /
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width: 0.7em;
font-size: 400%;
font-family: Inconsolata;
line-height: 80%;
<img src="Wiener_Zeitung_1846-01-01_Digitized_black.png" alt="detail of a black spot from the digitized newspaper Wiener Zeitung from January 1, 1846" />
(align:"<==>")+(box:"X")[<span>U</span>(live: 5s)+(align:"=><=")+(box:"=XXX=")[pon closer inspection, that corner appears damp and the wallpaper is coming off. Water is dripping from a leaking pipe. [[>>>|question]]]](stop:)
span {
float: left;
width: 0.7em;
font-size: 400%;
font-family: Inconsolata;
line-height: 80%;
(align:"<==>")+(box:"X")[<span>I</span>nside Qwerty’s room, there’s hardly any air left. It's like being squeezed inside a walnut. It is time to interrupt the dream, to rest or perhaps to just stare at a [[wall|New Year]] and with some luck to glance into the New Year. / ]
span {
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width: 0.7em;
font-size: 400%;
font-family: Inconsolata;
line-height: 80%;
<p align="justify">
(align:"<==>")+(box:"X")[<span>S</span>''trolling through layers of text'' Battaillon (text-style:"mirror")[Battaillon] Commando / Specification Baron General Adjutant Infanterie / Battaillon Major (text-style:"mirror")[Commando] (text-style:"mirror")[Specification] ''the wars of the patriarchs, their vocabularies, their order'' (text-style:"mirror")[Artiglerie] (text-style:"mirror")[Evacuirung] (text-style:"mirror")[Baron] (text-style:"mirror")[Adjutant] ''that's all there seems to be'' (text-style:"mirror")[General] (text-style:"mirror")[Major] (text-style:"mirror")[Infanterie] / Infanterie Major (text-style:"mirror")[Commando] (text-style:"mirror")[Specification] Commando Specification Artiglerie Evacuirung Baron (text-style:"mirror")[General] Adjutant Infanterie Battaillon Major eine große (text-style:"mirror")[Quantität] von Artiglerie / (if: $ppassageNameVisted is 0)[(set: $ppassageNameVisted to 1)''well, you've followed the ant ... şi mi se pare că mergi tot înapoi''](else:)[''I see, you keep returning here... văd că îţi place să mergi tot înapoi ''] General Adjutant Major Battaillon.
[[<|Proposal]][[<|Apotheke_1]][[<|newspaper screenshots]] [[>|heater]][[>|virgule]][[>|close]]]
<img src="Wiener_Zeitung_1705-01-03.png" style="float:right;width:104%;margin-bottom:30px;" alt="Cropped image from the newspaper Wiener Zeitung from January 3, 1705" />
<img src="Wiener_Zeitung_1879_01_01_heater.png" width="67%" alt="image of a heater from the "Weiner Zeitung", January 1, 1879" />
(align:"==>")+(box:"=========XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX=")[1879 / [[>>>|behind them]]]
<img src="Wiener_Zeitung_Screenshot_Images.png" alt="Screenshot of the screenshots I took from the "Wiener Zeitung" for this work" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width:100%;" />
(align:"<==>")+(box:"X")[[[>>>|behind them]]]
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width: 0.7em;
font-size: 400%;
font-family: Inconsolata;
line-height: 80%;
(align:"<==>")+(box:"X")[<span>I</span>ntent, these days, always fades into conversation murmurs, against the elevator background noise. (link-reveal: "Conversations...")[(show: ?paragraph)]
|paragraph)[(transition:"dissolve")+(transition-time: 2s)[Ei bine, conversaţiile din lift pe şoptite sunt într-adevăr dintre cele mai interesante, ce păcat că nu le putem asculta chiar acum împreună.
And though it’s been years since the electrical wiring stopped working, the owner of the building could never be bothered to have it repaired. The owner remains unknown and unreachable. It appears to be a well-calculated decision to leave this as an [[obscure|obscurity]] intermediary zone, free of electric bulbs, surveillance cameras and other movement sensors.]]]
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<img src="Wiener_Zeitung_1879-01-01_Uhr.png" alt="Cropped drawing of a watch from the Wiener Zeitung January 1, 1879" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" />
1879/ [[>>>|next]]
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<span>C</span>an you smell it? 1846. [[<<<|sleep]]
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(align:"=><=")+(box:"=XXX=")[<span>A</span>t the bottom of the wall you've been quick to notice that an Eodem ant is heading to the door and slipping underneath it.
<font size="-0,5">
[[>><<|back beginning]]]
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(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[<img src="Wiener_Zeitung_1879-01-01_lines.png" alt="Cropped comma from the Wiener Zeitung, January 1, 1879" width="46" height="100"/><img src="Wiener_Zeitung_1879-01-01_lines.png" alt="Cropped comma from the Wiener Zeitung, January 1, 1879" width="46" height="100"/><img src="Wiener_Zeitung_1879-01-01_lines.png" alt="Cropped comma from the Wiener Zeitung, January 1, 1879" width="46" height="100"/><img src="Wiener_Zeitung_1879-01-01_lines.png" alt="Cropped comma from the Wiener Zeitung, January 1, 1879" width="46" height="100"/><img src="Wiener_Zeitung_1879-01-01_lines.png" alt="Cropped comma from the Wiener Zeitung, January 1, 1879" width="46" height="100"/><img src="Wiener_Zeitung_1879-01-01_lines.png" alt="Cropped comma from the Wiener Zeitung, January 1, 1879" width="46" height="100"/><img src="Wiener_Zeitung_1879-01-01_lines.png" alt="Cropped comma from the Wiener Zeitung, January 1, 1879" width="46" height="100"/><img src="Wiener_Zeitung_1879-01-01_lines.png" alt="Cropped comma from the Wiener Zeitung, January 1, 1879" width="46" height="100"/><img src="Wiener_Zeitung_1879-01-01_lines.png" alt="Cropped comma from the Wiener Zeitung, January 1, 1879" width="46" height="100"/><img src="Wiener_Zeitung_1879-01-01_lines.png" alt="Cropped comma from the Wiener Zeitung, January 1, 1879" width="46" height="100"/><img src="Wiener_Zeitung_1879-01-01_lines.png" alt="Cropped comma from the Wiener Zeitung, January 1, 1879" width="46" height="100"/><img src="Wiener_Zeitung_1879-01-01_lines.png" alt="Cropped comma from the Wiener Zeitung, January 1, 1879" width="46" height="100"/><img src="Wiener_Zeitung_1879-01-01_lines.png" alt="Cropped comma from the Wiener Zeitung, January 1, 1879" width="46" height="100"/><img src="Wiener_Zeitung_1879-01-01_lines.png" alt="Cropped comma from the Wiener Zeitung, January 1, 1879" width="46" height="100"/><img src="Wiener_Zeitung_1879-01-01_lines.png" alt="Cropped comma from the Wiener Zeitung, January 1, 1879" width="46" height="100"/><img src="Wiener_Zeitung_1879-01-01_lines.png" alt="Cropped comma from the Wiener Zeitung, January 1, 1879" width="46" height="100"/><img src="Wiener_Zeitung_1879-01-01_lines.png" alt="Cropped comma from the Wiener Zeitung, January 1, 1879" width="46" height="100"/><img src="Wiener_Zeitung_1879-01-01_lines.png" alt="Cropped comma from the Wiener Zeitung, January 1, 1879" width="46" height="100"/><img src="Wiener_Zeitung_1879-01-01_lines.png" alt="Cropped comma from the Wiener Zeitung, January 1, 1879" width="46" height="100"/><img src="Wiener_Zeitung_1879-01-01_lines.png" alt="Cropped comma from the Wiener Zeitung, January 1, 1879" width="46" height="100"/><img src="Wiener_Zeitung_1879-01-01_lines.png" alt="Cropped comma from the Wiener Zeitung, January 1, 1879" width="46" height="100"/><img src="Wiener_Zeitung_1879-01-01_lines.png" alt="Cropped comma from the Wiener Zeitung, January 1, 1879" width="46" height="100"/><img src="Wiener_Zeitung_1879-01-01_lines.png" alt="Cropped comma from the Wiener Zeitung, January 1, 1879" width="46" height="100"/><img src="Wiener_Zeitung_1879-01-01_lines.png" alt="Cropped comma from the Wiener Zeitung, January 1, 1879" width="46" height="100"/>]
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<img src="Wiener_Zeitung-1750-01-03_Notification.png" alt="the word notification in capital letters from the digitized newspaper Wiener Zeitung from January 3, 1750" />
<img src="Wiener_Zeitung-1750-01-03_Notification.png" alt="the word notification in capital letters from the digitized newspaper Wiener Zeitung from January 3, 1750" />
<img src="Wiener_Zeitung-1750-01-03_Notification.png" alt="the word notification in capital letters from the digitized newspaper Wiener Zeitung from January 3, 1750" />
<img src="Wiener_Zeitung-1750-01-03_Notification.png" alt="the word notification in capital letters from the digitized newspaper Wiener Zeitung from January 3, 1750" />
<img src="Wiener_Zeitung-1750-01-03_Notification.png" alt="the word notification in capital letters from the digitized newspaper Wiener Zeitung from January 3, 1750" />
<img src="Wiener_Zeitung-1750-01-03_Notification.png" alt="the word notification in capital letters from the digitized newspaper Wiener Zeitung from January 3, 1750" />
<img src="Wiener_Zeitung-1750-01-03_Notification.png" alt="the word notification in capital letters from the digitized newspaper Wiener Zeitung from January 3, 1750" />
1750/ [[>>>|further]]]
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<span>T</span>his bike will be removed from the balcony by the end of January. [[<<<|3rd floor]]
Sînziana Păltineanu
Sînziana Păltineanu is a Berlin-based writer who works at the crossings of queer feminism, fiction- and history writing.
Thunder and lightning. Records of a passing snowstorm on the first Wednesday of the New Year is a multilingual interactive fiction (English, German, Romanian), based on the selective reading of the digital collection of “Wiener Zeitung” (1704-1881) and crafted with the open-source tool Twine. Through the choice of interactive fiction as medium, the project experiments with re-arranging archival fragments within an interactive fiction, where the text itself is a network and each link connects to another node in the the text. Fiction is used as an exploratory mode of writing intertwined with digital archival research.
This work is offered under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license (CC-BY-SA 4.0).