Ida Westh-Hansen is a danish born artist living and working in Vienna. In 2018 she graduated in sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Boon Scrolling is her first digital artwork.
Boon Scrolling
How to intuitively move through an archive? How can one explore a digital archive with vast amounts of data when you are uncertain what you are looking for? One way can be to start at the first file and work your way through it chronologically, another way could be to intuitively click on files with interesting sounding names or folders that for some unknown reason appeal to you. One click can lead to another, one swipe extends endlessly. We scroll and the algorithm serves. We get to choose where we pause and look at a certain situation and when we scroll on quickly.
Boon scrolling is an endless collage, a cooperation between the artist, the algorithm and the scroller.
This work is offered under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license (CC-BY-SA 4.0).